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MotoManager is a free online game that changes the design of motorcycle games, presenting a true career mode, where you do not take control of a single rider, but will play a Manager of a team racing that starts from zero and can savor the joys and pains of the results of their team.
The player must attend to sign contracts with sponsors and suppliers, select the technical staff, find and hire the rivers on the marketplace, organize workshops and tactics on the real race circuits of the MotoGP and Superbike

The goal is to finish as high as possible in the constructors' championship to earn a promotion to the higher category or winning the title of absolute champion of MotoManager.
The climb to the summit will be long and full of unexpected, because the opponents are real people and not computer-controlled teams, and when they reached the most prestigious category MotoGP and Superbike will not take anything for granted, because in case of bankruptcies will recede into the categories below.
The game leaves ample room for a customization of your team, the choice of colors of the bike, the uniform of the pilots, the faces and names of people on your team.

In addition to the races valid for the classification, there is a Category Cup where you can compare all the teams in group for win prizes and bonuses for the game.
So don't wait, take to the track and join on MotoManager!

For problems or doubts you can ask in the Forum.